Having coffee in the local park last Friday I was just chilling out and appreciative of the fact that I could do this sort of thing on a weekday, especially as I need to have these moments of seemingly doing nothing but where everything is actually happening. Pauses seem just as important as action to me, and creative ideas get birthed during these times of reflection and just BE-ing. I find it hard to put my life into separate boxes labelled work, play, relaxation etc let alone a structure or schedule.
My 'weekends' often happen midweek, and my interests run through everything else too. New consciousness thinking permeates everything else in life rather than just something I read about occasionally. I don’t want to stifle any part of who I am or put it in a separate box, and I ’ve realised that any creative blocks I encounter are the result of more general life blocks, caused by my own energies not flowing properly (by focusing on ‘what is’ rather than what I want) than to any specific creative block.
I haven’t been blogging, twittering or making anything creative in recent days because,.....well..... life got in the way, and I need to align my own energies first because if I’m not in that centred and feelgood space then any action taken will be just wasted time and energy and not bring about wanted results unless I attend to my own energy alignment first. And there is quite a mixed bag of stuff that is affecting how I feel right now, so it is all good practice for cleaning up my vibration, so to speak.
I’ve long been familiar with the Abraham channelings, channelled by Esther Hicks, which is the source of the information behind the film ‘The Secret’ that speaks about the Law of Attraction . The final version of the film edits out certain facts, and tends to focus a bit too much on the money-making side of things rather than giving the broader picture. Esther Hicks and Abraham are also edited out of the final version of the film, but her original channelled material by Abraham is far better anyway, and anyone who wants to find out more can go straight to her website at abraham-hicks.com or watch any of the videos on youtube, of which there are many.
Even knowing about the Law of Attraction doesn’t mean it is always easy to apply in practice as old habits die hard and there is a tendency to keep focusing on 'what is' rather than what is wanted. Which is why we keep manifesting more of the same. I'm currently reading their latest book 'The Vortex', having read the previous two books in the Law of attraction series, and so I'm just following my joy and not even attempting to force myself to do what my thinking mind keeps telling me I 'should'. Creativity itself is about doing things differently, manifesting new ideas or products or inspiration, so why not apply it to life in general as well? Rather than force myself to make rules that I have to meet, or fuss over google statistics, or stick to certain hours and targets of production, I'm just going to go with the flow of my own well being and follow whatever inspires me in the moment.
Slowing down rather than speeding up is what is needed, and attending to the bigger picture can end up being more productive in the long run, saving hours spent going down the wrong path or being blinded to anything other than those goals or expectations that we put on our path in the first place. So maybe creative blocks are not really blocks at all, but a gentle reminder to take a tea break and feel into what it is we are actually resisting.
There will be a thought in there that is not serving us, and as all creativity starts with thought, it is a good place to look first......and to slow down enough to get away from the usual mental chatter that tells us we need to work faster or harder or that there are not enough hours in the day to 'waste' time drinking coffee by the lake.
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